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What "Gentle Advent" Is All About

If you want to know what Gentle Advent is, or if you’ve bought the Gentle Advent - Hand-lettered Scripture Card Set and are looking for ideas on how to use it, then you’ve come to the right place.

What is Gentle Advent?

Gentle Advent is about taking, as the name suggests, a gentle journey over Advent looking at the beautiful Lord Jesus in the Gospel of John. It’s specially made with space to sit and savour the Saviour during Advent.

Flexibly, at your own pace and as capacity allows.

It consists of:

  1. The Gentle Advent - Hand-lettered Scripture Card Set available for you to buy and
  2. A series of devotions in the form of blog posts to read over Advent.

I’ve made the devotions publicly available so all who would like to can share and celebrate the best gift ever, the wonderful Lord Jesus, together. The series consists of this introduction post and then one for each of the four cards in the Gentle Advent set.

Who is it for?

It’s for all Christians but my heart here is particularly to help those of us who would value a gentle meander over Advent, for whatever reason.

I’ve made this especially for those who:

  • Like me have a limiting chronic condition (e.g. with pain, fatigue, brain fog etc.) or
  • Are in a season that is busy, hard or tricky or
  • Would just enjoy an unhurried pace

What is included in the Gentle Advent - Hand-lettered Scripture Card Set?

The Gentle Advent hand-lettered and illustrated scripture card set has been beautifully and thoughtfully designed for you to display and use during Advent.

It includes:

  • 4 cards for the 4 weeks(ish) of Advent (I’ll explain this in a bit).
  • Your choice of twine + pegs, stand or both to display the cards.
  • A short devotion and prayer for each card available online. You’re currently reading the introduction.
  • A handmade (by me) box to keep it all together for use year after year.

Gentle Advent is designed and made sustainably in the UK using FSC certified paper and recycled/recyclable paper.

How To Use

The cards and devotions allow for flexible pacing. The idea is to use them over the four(ish) weeks of Advent. I say four(ish) weeks because Advent as we know is typically 24 to 25 days 😉.

You could for example turn one card over on each of the four Sundays of Advent. Or simply turn them over as and when works best for you.

How To Use the Card Stand

One of the display options with the card set is a little wooden stand which a very lovely small business has made for me. So if you’ve got one with your card set and aren’t sure how to put it together then never fear, I have you covered with this nifty little video I made.

Gentle Advent Devotions

I've written a devotion to go with each card. You can read them or listen to me read them to you (you're so welcome 😏) via the links below:

If you haven’t got a card set already and would like one you can buy it here.

In Summary

My prayer for us all as we head into Advent is that the Lord would be pleased to show his beauty, love, care and majesty to us more clearly, little by little, day by day and particularly so as we look forward (with all kinds of emotions depending on where we are at and what we are going through) to celebrating his birth. He truly is the gentle Saviour who invites us to come to him.

So there’s no pressure here, do feel free to engage with the resources as works best for you.

In Him,



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