About By the Brook Creations

Hi, I'm Roché Brook
an alliteration adoring, coffee consuming letterer, illustrator and spoonie.
Jesus is my reason. GIFs are my love language.
I'm the owner, crafty creative and wearer of many hats here at By the Brook Creations (aka BTBC).
My first name can be tricksy to pronounce so if you're wondering it's "ro-shay".
Or for the chocolate fans you can just think of Ferrero Rocher🍫.
What I Do
By the Brook Creations is all about sharing Christ-centred joy, comfort and hope in every season through encouraging resources and sustainably produced contemporary biblical paper goods and gifts for you to enjoy and give.
I run my small business from a cosy corner at home in Greater London in the UK.
Why I Do It
Why Christian? Because my faith informs and shapes every area of life.
My desire in creating is to help us look to Jesus. The Jesus we find in the Bible.
Jesus steadfast, strong, powerful, rescuing, redeeming, gentle, patient and kind.
To ponder how he gives hope and holds us fast in every situation.
To gaze upon him - the true wellspring of life, the living water, THE brook (and yes, the far more glorious reality that influenced the BTBC name).
To marvel at this Jesus by whom and for whom we were created.
To know the wondrous truth that he is for messy and struggling people like me (phew x 1000!).
To worship him and be growing in flourishing relationship with him and each other as he builds us together as his body, the church.
To look forward to his return when he will make all things right and new.
Ephesians 4 is the drumbeat to which BTBC dances.
BTBC In Six(ish) Words

God’s grace encourages in all seasons. It frees us to be real about where we are at.
I want to help us experience and extend that grace in all of life - the joys, sorrows and everywhere in between.

I love designing products that are beautiful and biblical. That help us savour and celebrate Jesus.
God’s word informs and shapes every area of life. So implicitly or explicitly I want my creations to reflect that.

As someone living with chronic illnesses I want to support and encourage both those who are struggling in long term suffering and those who love and care for them.

I love using my creativity to make beautiful things that reflect my love of Jesus and my often playful personality.

Being Personal
God is personal and intentional and being created in his image means we are too.
I enjoy being involved in all aspects from design, to sourcing materials, to packing orders and customer care.
I love being part of your encouraging work.

I’m committed to being environmentally responsible through paying attention to the materials and processes I use.

More About Roché
I'm intrigued, tell me
I’m an antipodean who came to London in 2005 for a year or two and stayed😄. I'm very grateful to call the UK home. Through God’s incredible kindness I love the Lord Jesus. I'm based in Chessington with my husband Andy where we are part of a lovely local church family.
I live with two chronic conditions (I’m a spoonie) and was a software engineer until health challenges meant I couldn’t work full-time anymore. In these ongoing struggles that are super dark at times God comforts and speaks truth.
Let me share two of the most mind-blowing ones 🤯:
1) Our value is based on the fact that we are made in God's image. And what a wonderfully welcome truth that is! Not in what we do, but in who we are inherently.
2) God really has prepared good works for us to do (Ephesians 2:10) however he’s sovereignly orchestrated our lives and limits.
I love walking with and encouraging those facing hardship (especially long term). This and my own suffering led to me completing the 3 year certificate course with Biblical Counselling UK - who are passionate about "speak[ing] hope into everyday life" and "equipping churches for conversation and counsel".
I think it’s wonderful being made in the image of the creator as we all get to be creative in a variety of ways! My favourite form of creativity is as a digital hand letterer and illustrator.
My business is an outworking of these passions. The desire to encourage and help others encourage God’s people that Jesus is the best gift ever.
I'm an external processor (no surprise there!). I’m still very happily a geek. I love time with friends and honest chats. I love good coffee and good chocolate (is that being fussy? or discerning? 😂).