Christian New Job and New Role Cards

Yay You're A Fill The Blank Personalised New Job Or Role Christian Card

Yay Patterned Celebration Card

Hip Hip Hooray Celebration Card

Happy Day Bible Verse Celebration Card - James 1:17

The Lord Bless You Aaronic Blessing Bible Verse Card - Numbers 6

Fun Bible Verse Ordination Card - 1 Corinthians 10:31

More Tea Fun Bible Verse Ministry or Ordination Card - Colossians 3:17 (your choice of title Minister, Reverend, Pastor, Vicar)

More Cake Fun Bible Verse Ministry/Ordination Card - Colossians 3:17 (your choice of title Minister, Reverend, Pastor, Vicar)

More Coffee Fun Bible Verse Ministry/Ordination Card - Colossians 3:17 (your choice of title Minister, Reverend, Pastor, Vicar)